Jeanine Lauren
Contemporary Romance, Romance, Women's Fiction
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Jun 2019
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Jeanine Lauren is a USA Today bestselling author who writes women’s fiction and sweet romance that celebrates friendship, love, community, and second chances.
Though Jeanine has been writing most of her life, many (okay, almost all) of her words have been for her day jobs, term papers, volunteer work, or used to make endless ‘to do’ lists she rarely looks at.
In 2019, Jeanine finally published the first book in her Sunshine Bay series -Love’s Fresh Start – followed by several more, and is now writing as fast as she can, trying to make up for lost time.
To find out when Jeanine’s next books are coming out, join her mailing list.
Jeanine lives in the lower mainland of British Columbia, Canada, not far from the fictional town of Sunshine Bay where most of her characters live.